live concerts

Best of Beartrap Photos
Best of Beartrap Photos
Best of Beartrap Photos
It came. It went. We're spent. We loved this year's line-up for Beartrap 2014--from Jalan Crossland, Littlest Birds and Spencer Bohren, to Johnny Sketch, The Deadly Gentlemen and Nitty Gritty Dirt Band--the bluegrass, country, jazz, insert other awesome music type here, rocked our socks off. Beart...
Rebecca Frazier Heads On Stage
Rebecca Frazier Heads On Stage
Rebecca Frazier Heads On Stage
On the brink of a brand new album being released this summer, Rebecca Frazier teases the audience with a sneak peak of her twangy, feminine vocals and bluegrass stylings. Check out one of her songs here, originally written and sung with a Wyoming native...